Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

You guys have probably been thinking we fell off the face of the planet, but we didn't. Don't worry. We're alive and well. Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch in South Salt Lake. The weather was beautiful and it was a perfect day to go. Savannah had a blast!

 Savannah tried to steal someone else's pumpkins

 Baby wheelbarrow! So cute!

 She's finally looking my direction! It is seriously so hard to get a toddler to look at the camera

P.S. when did my hair get so dark? :(

 Baby tractor. She already knows how to drive stick

 Corn Maze, although it wasn't much of a maze

Savannah's getting so big so fast. She's learning something new almost every day and it just reminds me that she's not going to be this small forever. I can't believe she's already 18 months! Where has the time gone? I promise to be better about blogging so you can see what we're (aka Savannah) up to.

