Monday, July 11, 2011

Sleep Study

Savannah had her sleep study a couple weeks ago. She absolutely hated getting all those wires stuck to her. Luckily she fell asleep quickly and slept the entire night. Greg and I were able to spend the night with her too.

ALL those wires were hooked up to her

We got the results of the study back a few days ago. She had a ton of brain activity during sleep. The doctor said she averaged over 100 events per hour. The normal range is less than 1 per hour. YIKES! So now she has to be on oxygen while she sleeps. At least she doesn't have to be hooked up the entire day though. She's still sleeping well even with the cannula. I predict she'll have to be on oxygen for a couples months. The doctor in charge of her sleep study said she thinks that as Savannah grows her breathing problem will fix itself. Let's pray that that happens. I really don't want her to have to get another surgery.

Weight: a little less than 9 pounds and almost in the 2nd percentile


