Sunday, June 23, 2013

Third Trimester!

•How far along?: 29 weeks

•Total weight gain: 20 pounds

•How big is baby?: The size of a squash (15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lbs)

•Maternity clothes?: Still no

•Movement: The kicking never stops

•Stretch marks?: no

•Sleep?: I'm getting more and more tired as time goes on

•Symptoms?: The heartburn is finally kicking in

•Food cravings: Sweets

•What I miss: Not feeling like I'm a thousand degrees

•What I'm looking forward to: Having the baby. Even though I've delivered a baby before, I'm still so nervous. There's a million things that could happen differently. I just want it to be over so I can stop stressing about all the things that could go wrong.

•Best Moment this week: I've been having all these ideas for things to sew for the baby and I finally did something about it. I made our little buddy a carseat cover! And I think it turned out really cute. I LOVE the fabric!

•Milestone: A few weeks ago my doc told me that the placenta was low and it could lead to placenta previa. At this week's appointment she checked on it and the placenta has moved up!! Thank goodness!

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