Wednesday, February 18, 2015

17 weeks

•How far along?: 17 weeks 5 days

•Total weight gain: 7 pounds

•How big is baby?: The size of an onion (5.1 inches, 5.9 ounces

•Maternity clothes?: a few pieces. I can still fit in my regular clothes, but the maternity tops are a little more flattering to a large belly

•Movement: sometimes I think I can feel fluttering, but who knows?

•Stretch marks?: no

•Sleep?: still insanely tired and it doesn't help that Sterling usually wakes up at 8am screaming bloody murder

•Symptoms?: sleepiness 

•Food cravings: fruit and savory food. Haven't been in the mood for dessert

•What I miss: everything's still pretty much the same 

•What I'm looking forward to: i have my big mid-pregnancy ultrasound next week! Usually this is when we'd find out the gender, but we've decided to wait until birth for that so the ultrasound won't be as exciting as usual. But I'll still get to see my baby up close and personal!

•Best Moment this week: Sterling still hasn't started talking, which we kind of aren't freaking out about just because Savannah was a super late talker too. But this week he's really been showing us that he understands everything we're saying, which is a relief. If I tell him to put something in the trash, he walks right over and does it without me pointing. He knows some body parts now and when I tell him to go get Savannah, he walks right over to her. He's so cute!

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